Coaches Corner - Matheny Manifesto

St. Louis Cardinals Manager, Mike Matheny, was asked to coach his son’s baseball team. Believing the biggest problem in youth sports is overbearing parents, he decided to write a letter to them, addressing his concerns and expressing conditions he required from his team’s moms and dads.The long, detailed letter was initially meant for only those with children on his team, but it eventually became the Matheny Manifesto, an impactful, direct, and honest message parents everywhere can learn from. With many baseball and softball seasons just beginning, we encourage you to watch the Matheny Manifesto Video which appeared on ESPN during the 2013 Little League Baseball® World Series. The video features Little League’s president and CEO, Stephen D. Keener, and provides important ways you can best support your Little Leaguer®. Click here to read the Matheny Manifesto.

The Coaches Blog

Upcoming Board meeting – Wednesday 2/2/2017 at 7:30 PM

Wednesday 02.02.17 (Executive Committee at 7PM, Public Meeting 7:30PM) at the Marconi Shack

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Volunteer Application – 2017 Season

Please fill out the application and send to volunteer-app – 2017

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Photo Night for Approved Managers/Coaches – April 7!

Next photo night for background checks will be April 7 at 7:00pm downstairs in Town Hall (Community Room). You must have already been fingerprinted and approved. You will get your ID card the same night as you have your picture taken.

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Research Says Young Athletes Need More Than Just Practice To Succeed

However, many athletes never quite cross the 10,000 hour finish line, and have used the scapegoat reason, “I just didn’t have enough time to commit to the sport.”

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10 Ways You’re Causing Your Child Sport-Induced Stress

Sports can be fun, but for many children, sports can be extremely stressful.

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Communicate Instantly and Get Real-Time Game Updates with TeamSnap Live!

We’re thrilled today to take the wraps off an exciting new feature that will change the way you interact with TeamSnap. TeamSnap Live!

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Coaching With a Purpose: Mixing Mental Lessons With Physical Ones

In just the last two decades, coaches are finally realizing the tremendous impact they can have on their win/loss record and the respect of their athletes by coaching the mental game.

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Gear Up for the Season
