Dear Parents,

North Wall Little League is a non-profit, all volunteer organization.  As such, we can best support the players by performing our volunteer hours so the league can afford to maintain the fields and provide a safe environment and appropriate equipment for each team.

This week’s volunteer times and opportunities are:

Each family is required to perform 4 hours of Volunteer Service (Tournaments, Shack Time, Field Prep, Cleaning, etc.) unless you have purchased the “buyout” option at registration.

Each family will be assigned Shack Time this year upon Uniform Pick Up.  However, there are other days that are also available for volunteering if you need to make up time.  If you cannot make the time you are assigned, it is your responsibility to find coverage.  The first way is to contact your parent team mates via TeamSnap.  If you need assistance finding or changing coverage, you can also contact

If you do not find coverage, your bond check will be cashed. 

Make sure to sign the VOLUNTEER BOOK on the date you volunteer, in order to get your Volunteer Bond check back.

Descriptions for Volunteer Opportunities:

Evans Shack – you may be flipping burgers, helping serve food, drinks and snacks or running the cash register.  It’s best to have 2 to 3 people in there for each game.  Instructions on how to turn on everything and how to cook it are hung up on the rack in the center of the shack.

Field Prep – you might be raking the fields, lining the infield before a game / in between games or helping get water off the field (especially during this rainy spring).  All the tools are supplied and there is always a coach or someone to ask what to do.

Clean Up – at the end of a fun day at the fields, we still need to clean up.  Gather up the dugout trash cans and bring them to the dumpster (but this one is fun since you get to ride the golf cart), line up all the recycling cans by the light pole, and check and lock the bathrooms before you head out!

If we each do a little, it all gets done that much easier.

Thank you for your support of the players of North Wall Little League!