As you know, North Wall Little League is a non-profit organization whose mission is to develop the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being through proper guidance and exemplary leadership.  Our goal includes fostering a safe, fun and challenging environment for our players through community support and participation.  Unfortunately, as our fields and buildings continue to age, they require work to keep them in working order and that can sometimes be beyond the scope of a basic volunteer or board of directors.

Every year, we paint the shacks so that they can look as fresh and new as the children coming to play on the nearby fields.  We would love to enhance the lighting around the fields, get the scoreboards working and improve the speaker system so that our young men and women on our fields can feel a bit more like champions.  In addition to making them feel like champions, we would like them to see that they are champions by building a display case for the trophies that have been acquired over the years.  Our board of directors does not contain master plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc. which is why we need your help.

If you have a trade that can be used to help the league, we would greatly appreciate it.  If you have a business centered on that trade, we would be willing to provide you with some of the advantages of sponsorship in exchange for your services.  If you are able to help, we would love to hear from you at

Thank you in advance for your support and assistance!