Pitching Coach Extraordinaire Rick Peterson will be our special guest at the North Wall Little League Casino Night Fundraiser!

He will be speaking, mingling and autographing balls and books.  Come join us on May 12 as we welcome Rick Peterson to North Wall Little League!


Erick Harding “Rick” Peterson (born October 30, 1954) is a former pitcher and pitching coach in Major League Baseball. He was most recently the Director of Pitching Development for the Baltimore Orioles. He was a pitcher in the Pittsburgh Pirates organization, but is most notable as the pitching coach for the Oakland Athletics, New York Mets, and the Milwaukee Brewers. Peterson is known for his unique use of biomechanical research and psychological principles to help pitchers improve their pitching motions.[1] His nicknames include “The Jacket” (because he always wears a jacket during games) and “The Professor.” He’s also known for placing his hand on the shoulder of the pitcher during mound visits.

Source: Wikipedia


Check out Rick’s website at http://www.rickpetersoncoaching.com/about-rick-peterson/.